Welcome to my happily ever after...


praise Jesus

Monday, Monday, Monday. This weekend went waaay too fast.

So I guess that it's time for my weekend recap. Here goes:

I had the most horrendous day at work on Friday. I mean, it was BAAAAD. All I could think about doing when I left work was crawling into bed and turning off the world. So that's what I did. About 6:00 I woke up and Carlos and I went on our weekly Cafe Express/Whole Foods Market trip. I had a chicken salad sandwich. Remember that for later in the story.

At Whole Foods, we found out that the cute guy that works there is named Jesus. Carlos and I then, of course, had to make the obligatory "Praise Jesus" comments. I really am ready to have Jesus in my life.

Anywho, Carlos made plans with Mario to go to Meteor that night, so around 9 he left to go out. So what did I do? Of course, I drank a 6 pack of beer sitting on the couch, and then I hit the sack around 12:30 AM.

The next morning, I woke up so sick I thought I was going to die. I think I must've lay on the bathroom floor for close to 2 hours praying for Jesus to take mercy on our soul, and not the Jesus that works at Whole Foods. I threw up chicken salad from 12 hours before, and I can't figure out why my body hadn't processed that food yet. Normally I eat something and then it's gone in three hours or less, but something was wrong. I wonder if I got food poisoning from the chicken salad?

I finally started feeling human again around noon, and Carlos and I set out for Super Target to pick up some groceries. I love that place.

That night, Carlos' cousin Melinda came over and brought some movies. We watched "Honey", and what a fluffball of a movie. It actually wasn't all that bad, despite all the rappers and such that made cameo appearances. I had no idea who any of them were besides Missy Elliott. It was defintely one of those movies that one doesn't think about too much after it's over.

Sunday morning I woke up, went to the gym for the first time in days, and then got ready to visit my dad in the hospital. I haven't been allowed up there yet because I've been sick, and with the intense chemo that he's been receiving, no one even remotely sick is allowed within 50 feet of him. I had to wear a mask and a gown when I was there yesterday in fact. They are giving him a round of chemo and radiation to prepare him for the stem cells to be taken out, then he will be home for 2 weeks while they harvest them. After that, he will go back in the hospital for the actual stem cell transplant, and from that point he will be in the hospital for the rest of the summer. That's going to be the dangerous part as he cannot be exposed to any germs, and he will be in a bubble for a long time there in the hospital. I hope that he and my mom make it through this. My mother is driving back and forth 40 miles every day, and spending close to 12 hours a day at the hospital. She's 63 years old, and quite frankly, too old to be going back and forth like that. I'm going to try to make up the slack as much as I possibly can.

Did I ever mention how many gay asian nurses they are at the hospital? Gay-sians. I had a lot of gay-sian friends in college. The other night at Meteor when we were watching that underwear show, I realized that we were a very diverse group. Tasha is hispanic, her girlfriend is Thai, Greg is Spanish, Todd is African-American, Carlos is Mexican, and I'm white. We looked like a damn Benetton ad sitting there.

I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow finally to have some things that have been ailing me looked at. First and foremost, I have a patch of what I think is psoriasis on my right hand. I have tried virtually everything on it from cortisone cream to home remedies I've seen on the internet such as submerging my hand in warm olive oil for 15 minutes. Nothing works, and I think it's from nerves and being on edge all the time because of work. Which leads me to that I'm also asking them if there's anything I can be prescribed for my anxiety. Even after I go home at night, I'm still going over things from work in my mind again and again, and I know that's just not healthy. I have tried yoga, meditation, working out, reading at night. Nothing really helps. Quite frankly, my inability to just let things go is partly what I can say has led me down the road to alcoholism....the drink is the only thing that can stop my brain from churning 100 miles an hour.

Speaking of alcoholism, Ryan8-5cut, email me sometime. I can't find your email address.

2:38 p.m. - 2004-06-07


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