Welcome to my happily ever after...


self-discovery sucks

You know that saying that the things we tend to dislike about others are really the things that we dislike about ourselves? More about that later...

They let Tattletale Bitch go yesterday. Our boss made a big production about calling her agency and telling them to let her know she won't need to ever come back, and she conveniently left the door open so we could all hear her. You ready for a juicy story? This is why she was let go:

When I came in yesterday morning, my coworker on the other side of the wall from me says "Psst...Jonathan, come over here and take a look at this." When I round the corner, I see Tattletale Bitch (from now on known as TB) sleeping sitting up in a chair with her head against the filing cabinet. She was just snoring away. I asked how long she'd been like that, to which she replied "She was like that when I got here this morning...and she smells like vomit."

One by one, everyone arrives at work, and we all take turns peeking around the corner at her to see how long she'll sit there and snore. She kept knocking this magnetic file holder off on her head, and it would then fall on the ground and go boom, and even that wouldn't wake her up. I was hoping she'd still be like that when our boss got here, however this loser that we work with wakes her up by lightly slapping her face and telling her he was going to take her outside to get some air. Dammit! I wanted her to stay there so everyone could see the drool running out of her mouth.

Anywho, the guy takes her down to the parking garage where he says that she needs to lie down in her car for a while, however he said that she was acting so strange that he didn't want to just leave her out there. So he comes back up to get our boss, who is at work by that time. By the time they get back to the parking garage, she's GONE! She couldn't even walk, much less drive her ass home, but she's long gone.

We are debating as to whether or not she was drunk or on drugs. I personally think that she was drunk, and she had gone out Sunday night and instead of driving home, just ended up just sleeping in my coworker's cubicle. However drugs probably are not out of the question either. That woman has major problems. Did I also mention she called out sick every day last week? This seems to be a recurring thing for her, and I have deeply resented her for it. When someone is out as much as she was, they should have let her go a long, long time ago.

So back to my first sentence up there about how people tend to not like the things in others that they don't like in themselves. Let me explain why I think that TB's drunken escapades bother me. My first job out of college I was a complete and absolute MESS. I was still living in the town where I went to school, 23 years old, and still running around with college students. So what did I do? I still acted like a college student, despite the fact that I had a responsible job and had to get up early and go to work in a suit the next day. I went out every night, and I mean EVERY night with my friends, and then would get up and go to work bleary eyed and grouchy. Have you ever seen that movie "Bright Lights Big City?". That was me, despite that College Station was hardly a metropolis.

My aforementioned job was managing a large department store, and I knew that wasn't my life calling. As a result, I never really took things seriously. This was not a good thing for my 175 employees, who ranged in age from 19 to 75 years old. This was their job! They did this for a living...their livelihood depended on how much they sold. I was just doing this to bide my time until I found something else....as long as I had money to pay the rent and buy beer, that's all I cared about.

I think of some of the stupid things I did, such as staying out drinking until 3 AM when I had to open the store at 5:45 AM the next morning. Or Saturdays where I'd literally hide somewhere in the store until the hammering in my head would stop. Once I even remember hiding in one of the bathroom stalls, praying to God to make the DTs go away.

Every once in a while, some of my motherly female employees would try to let me know I was veering onto a dangerous path. I will never forget one that particularly nice to me pulling me aside and telling me that I couldn't come to work reeking of alcohol every day. At the time, I just poo-poo'd the whole thing. Who was she to tell me how to live my life? Or so I thought....

I have come a long way since then. I wouldn't go back to living my life that way for anything. I still need some work though.

Somewhere, deep down in there in places I don't like to think about, I see a former part of myself in TB. Granted, I never came to work and passed out, however it was bad enough at the time.

Ugh. Self-discovery sucks sometimes.

9:42 a.m. - 2004-05-04


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