Welcome to my happily ever after...


one true thing

Monday morning at 7:18 AM. One of my resolutions for work is to stop waking up and thinking "OMG, I have to go to work", however it's easier said than done. In Don't Sweat the Small Stuff at Work, it says to completely avoid the phrase "I have to go to work". I mean, what else do you say? Yee-haw! It's 5:45...time to get up and go have some fun! Not.

Friday night I picked up Maddey around 9 and headed over to Guava Lamp. It was very chill there. Although it's about the size of my living room, it wasn't crowded at all, and there are lots of overstuffed booths where we sat and chatted for a couple of hours. We talked about how Tasha and her GF want Carlos to father their child. Have I mentioned that here? Carlos really wants to do it too. I personally think that it's the worst idea I have ever heard. I mean, our lives are not an episode of Queer as Folk. However Carlos tells me that it's the only way that he will ever have a child, and that he's determined that he is going to help them out.

Here's why I think it is such a horrible idea:

First off, Tasha is a sparkler. She's had many, many interests du jour. Yoga, Buddhism, gardening, working out. Her house is full of projects that are half completed because she lost interest before she saw them all the way through. I think that having a kid isn't something like an herb garden. If some parsley withers and dies from lack of attention, big deal. Now a kid....

Second, Tasha and her GF don't get along very well. The GF was laid off from work back in November, and since then they bicker a lot about money. Keep in mind that this is the same couple that both just filed for bankrupcy, yet they went out and got Direct TV as well as a big screen TV. All because they wanted to watch that new show The L Word...puh-leese.

Third, I don't think that Carlos should get involved in all that mess. He and Tasha haven't even really had much to say to each other for a while since he moved out, not necessarily because they are mad at each other, but because they just don't have much in common anymore. Plus they are both working and going to school meaning that neither has much free time.

And lastly, Carlos hasn't really talked to me to see how I feel about this, and although I'm not the one that's jacking off in the cup, I think that I should have some say in this situation. As his partner, I don't know if I want him to be a father, albeit one that signs away any parental rights regardless.

We shall see how this horrible idea turns out.

Back to my story. So Maddey and I each have three beers and then head home around 12:30. I go to bed.

Saturday the weather was beautiful! A bit cold, but very nice. I got out to look for a place to wash my car, however there were so many people running around my neighborhood that I gave up and just went to HEB. I bought the weeks groceries and then head to Blockbuster to rent a couple of movies. I got Someone Like You and The Italian Job. Absolutely, under no circumstances, rent Someone Like You. I read the book it was based on, Animal Husbandry, a couple of years ago, however the movie sucked major anus. Seeing Hugh Jackman in his underwear was nice, but otherwise the movie was boring and pointless. We still haven't watched The Italian Job. I'll let you know.

I was so tired Saturday night that I fell asleep on the couch around 9. Carlos was having a rough night because he got into my creatine without asking how much to take. Instead of using the little scoop that comes with it, he figured that if a little is good, more is better. So he took 2 tablespoons full and consequently spent the whole night sitting on the toilet having explosive diarrhea. Poor guy. But ya know, read the directions....

Sunday I went to Kingwood to hang with the parentals. My dad did not look well at all. This round of chemo is getting to him, and he looked like skin and bones. When I hugged him, he felt really warm. Remember how last time he went through treatment he lied to us and told us he was giving himself his injections? When my mom and I found 6 months worth of injections he had been telling us he was giving himself, we about went ballistic. So this time we circumvented that and are having the doctor give them to him instead. He drives down there every couple of days to get them. So that's probably why he's sicker this time that last....he's actually doing all that is required this time.

Last night Carlos and I watched the Grammys. Bor-ing! Award shows in general don't do much for me other than looking to see what everyone wears. I found the performances boring. That 894599478 minute long performance by Outkast and their posse was where I finally gave up and went to bed. The only thing I was excited about was when Madonna introduced Sting. That's it.

On Saturday I poked around on the internet a while. Oprah really has a good website, and despite the fact that I'm mad at her for spending two weeks showing how "O-mazing" her 400 birthday parties were and how much money was spent, I do think she is trying to better mankind. One of things I saw was that a few years ago she was being interviewed and someone asked her what one thing in life she knows for sure. She said it was very embarrassing for her because she had no idea what to say.

I went on walk Saturday afternoon to the park, and while sitting at a picnic table basking in the sun, I pondered that same thing. What would I say is one thing that I know for sure? I sat there and thought for a long time. I decided my one thing is that I know for sure that everything happens for a reason. Everything, be it good or bad, that happens to us is an opportunity to learn a lesson. Whether or not we choose to embrace and remember that lesson is up to us. As a result, we will be presented with this same lesson over and over again until we finally learn it.

Maybe that's more than one thing. But that is my one thing I know for sure.

What is yours?

8:22 a.m. - 2004-02-09


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